*I played the same chap again as in xii*
I won.
We played 1500 pts this time. Instead of my usual pair of 3-las Preds, I brought those two Dreads from the previous game.
He had no Armour, handing me the initiative to isolate his force as I wished. Though he'd brought even more MegaNobz and deployed them not as far forward as possible, with my lack of dakka, I would avoid them as long as possible. I did and it helped greatly.
He deployed Ghazghkull on the flank and so I also avoided him to. I concentrated on the 40 boyz coming up the centre. The were wiped out in one turn due to multiple HF templates, massed pistol fire and multiple charges. Nice.
Sadly, however, my destroyed vehicles actually clogged up some combats and we were locked into them and reduced to clawing away at one another with one hand. Very frustrating for both of us.
I didn't play as well as I would like, two games on the trot is too much for me it seems to actually keep dotting i's and crossing t's.
Some good things I especially liked was unleashing another 'from Mech' charge in concert with Speeders and Dreads adding nasty HF clout.
I also blocked TLOS to one squad of Crusaders as they assaulted some Koptas with a Rhino, so when the Koptas died, the Crusaders could then consolidate into out of TLOS.
I also blocked the brutal Ghazghkull and MegaNobz with my Rhinos, keeping Ghaz out of it ~ crucial! and delaying the MegaNobz so I could finish the "scratching mêlée".
Then the MegaNobz received some Melta and Las goodness and they scarpered. Phew!
I will bring craters next time to open up the field more than leaving Exploded! vehicles in place.
*One thing that was a niggle was we hadn't declared the woods as difficult terrain, something that I normally do. This allowed me to assault his fleeing FlashGitz without rolling, and then beat them up in a multi-unit charge.
He had brought 5 too many Lootas, and other stuff he didn't use, that was taken off around T3. So perhaps that was the GM 'evening' it up....? I don't know.
The game was dragging on and was one of those ones where we couldn't get a proper swing at one another as the turns kept passing.
Like in the Tau game, I was winning and looked like winning, but I would far prefer to do it cleanly for my own consciences sake
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Game xii ~ 1st at Beaconsfield
*my opponent actually has some difficulties mentally, as he cannot read. I thought that was important to mention*
I won, the Warboss was all that was left by game's end.
750 pts versus Orks.
EC; 140
AAC vow
Crusaders. 6+4; 157
Flamer, PF
Crusaders. 6+4; 157
Flamer, PF
Dreadnought; 133
MM, HF, XA, Smoke
Dreadnought; 163
MM, HF, XA, Smoke, VENERABLE, Tank hunters
= 750
He had MegaNobz, Boyz, Deff Koptas and Warboss.
He didn't rush at me and instead we wheeled around one another for a time. The Koptas hammered the Dread, which made me sad. Then I charged him, duffed him over and consolidated away, leaving the MegaNobz out of position for an easy charge.
Of course he Waaagh!ed and caught me, but by that time the VenDread and Crusaders were able to rush in and overwhelm them.
What was fun in this game was that it wasn't merely rushing at one another at full tilt, and although KillaKanz are better than MegaNobz, MegaNobz are still capable of mulching even Crusaders due to our lack of power weapons.
I won, the Warboss was all that was left by game's end.
750 pts versus Orks.
EC; 140
AAC vow
Crusaders. 6+4; 157
Flamer, PF
Crusaders. 6+4; 157
Flamer, PF
Dreadnought; 133
MM, HF, XA, Smoke
Dreadnought; 163
MM, HF, XA, Smoke, VENERABLE, Tank hunters
= 750
He had MegaNobz, Boyz, Deff Koptas and Warboss.
He didn't rush at me and instead we wheeled around one another for a time. The Koptas hammered the Dread, which made me sad. Then I charged him, duffed him over and consolidated away, leaving the MegaNobz out of position for an easy charge.
Of course he Waaagh!ed and caught me, but by that time the VenDread and Crusaders were able to rush in and overwhelm them.
What was fun in this game was that it wasn't merely rushing at one another at full tilt, and although KillaKanz are better than MegaNobz, MegaNobz are still capable of mulching even Crusaders due to our lack of power weapons.
Game xi ~ 3rd game at Mitchem club
This was against Necrons. He had neither Heavy destroyers or Monoliths, the inclusion of which is essential for any Necron list to win.
Necrons are tough and considering Templars can't spam power weapons except for in Terminators, that means they can take a lot of regular hits and though they've no chance of winning, they just don't die. Boo.
Mech again shone for me. His 20 Warrior squads hammered the Rhinos, but big deal. This left the Crusaders within range and so locked him up in mêlée. The Necron Lord 'veil of darknessed' his squad away but scattered onto terrain and came back as reserves. He could have lost a massive unit because of that!
To be fair the guy hadn't played 5th ed. before. Phase out T4.
Some things that were pretty sweet were LCs. Even without Armour to attack, they did well against the expensive FootCrons.
The three flamers in my list ripped up the scarabs are with his large unit sizes, had choice targets to attack.
Necrons are tough and considering Templars can't spam power weapons except for in Terminators, that means they can take a lot of regular hits and though they've no chance of winning, they just don't die. Boo.
Mech again shone for me. His 20 Warrior squads hammered the Rhinos, but big deal. This left the Crusaders within range and so locked him up in mêlée. The Necron Lord 'veil of darknessed' his squad away but scattered onto terrain and came back as reserves. He could have lost a massive unit because of that!
To be fair the guy hadn't played 5th ed. before. Phase out T4.
Some things that were pretty sweet were LCs. Even without Armour to attack, they did well against the expensive FootCrons.
The three flamers in my list ripped up the scarabs are with his large unit sizes, had choice targets to attack.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
GAME x ~ 2nd a Mitchem club
Same list as Game ix.
I played against Eldar at 1500 pts. We had DoW setup and played for 4 objectives. He had a Foot list and no Meltas or BLances. So it was inevitable ;)
I played against Eldar at 1500 pts. We had DoW setup and played for 4 objectives. He had a Foot list and no Meltas or BLances. So it was inevitable ;)
I played again at 1500 pts. This time against Eldar without any Armour
.... luckily for me it wasn't the Footdar army 
So basically by the end of T2 I thought I'd have him tabled by the end of T4. He had only played a few games of 40K but more Fantasy. Anyway, Speeders HFing those puny Eldar and smooshing a Seer Council with the Champion & Crusaders made it seem like it was going to be a whitewash.
It was a whitewash by the end, but to his credit, he showed a plucky spirit and some "quality" armour saving throws.... a lot
With all my units on board, their was little he could do until I got out.
I must say a learnt a few things about Eldar (I have not played against them previously).
Dark Reapers.
You know what I mean.
Oh and I charged Striking Scorpions. It was into cover, but that didn't matter. He just kept on saving and saving, and whittling my bigger squad down. Without the EC to carve them up, my Crusaders made a real hash of it against someone of their calibre.
I also travelled 2 Rhinos side by side and in between terrain. That was why I could only charge one squad at the SS and not two. I jammed myself in and had to move one Rhino out the way so that the other squad could get out.
My oodles of Las cannons still had Jetbikes and Sv3+ Aspect warriors to shoot at, so they did help even without Armour to attack. Jetbikes are actually very annoying with their super-mobility. The LC went someway to counter-acting that.
And I remembered to fire the Rhino's storm bolters this time, but forgot to de-immobilise that one....
So basically by the end of T2 I thought I'd have him tabled by the end of T4. He had only played a few games of 40K but more Fantasy. Anyway, Speeders HFing those puny Eldar and smooshing a Seer Council with the Champion & Crusaders made it seem like it was going to be a whitewash.
It was a whitewash by the end, but to his credit, he showed a plucky spirit and some "quality" armour saving throws.... a lot
With all my units on board, their was little he could do until I got out.
I must say a learnt a few things about Eldar (I have not played against them previously).
Dark Reapers.
Oh and I charged Striking Scorpions. It was into cover, but that didn't matter. He just kept on saving and saving, and whittling my bigger squad down. Without the EC to carve them up, my Crusaders made a real hash of it against someone of their calibre.
I also travelled 2 Rhinos side by side and in between terrain. That was why I could only charge one squad at the SS and not two. I jammed myself in and had to move one Rhino out the way so that the other squad could get out.
My oodles of Las cannons still had Jetbikes and Sv3+ Aspect warriors to shoot at, so they did help even without Armour to attack. Jetbikes are actually very annoying with their super-mobility. The LC went someway to counter-acting that.
And I remembered to fire the Rhino's storm bolters this time, but forgot to de-immobilise that one....
GAME ix ~ 1st at Mitchem club
EC 140
AAC vow
Predator Annihilator 153
tl LC, LC sponsons, XA, Smoke
Predator Annihilator 153
tl LC, LC sponsons, XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 9 169
PF, Mg
Rhino 58
XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 9 + 1 179
PF, Mg
Rhino 58
XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 8 + 2 173
PF, Mg
Rhino 58
XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 5 + 1 111
LC, Flamer
Razorback 98
tl LC, XA, Smoke
Land Speeder 75
Land Speeder 75
+++ 1500 +++
This is my latest list.
I played Tau in 1500 pt annihilation. I tabled him ;) To be fare he didn't have a Mech list and being able to avoid the worst of his shooting with my smoking Rhinos, it was inevitable.
*One thing that I did incorrectly (and if I'd followed my philosophy of ruling against my self when in doubt, I'd have not ruled against myself) was I tried to move the Rhinos in difficult terrain. I rolled a one, twice I think, and got my Rhino stuck. Because the Rhinos hadn't moved, according to the disembarkation example, I got my guys out, difficult terrain moved and then assaulted, twice. That would have given him another round to shoot me. I think that would not have changed anything and I would have tabled him anyway, but one never really knows....
AAC vow
Predator Annihilator 153
tl LC, LC sponsons, XA, Smoke
Predator Annihilator 153
tl LC, LC sponsons, XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 9 169
PF, Mg
Rhino 58
XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 9 + 1 179
PF, Mg
Rhino 58
XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 8 + 2 173
PF, Mg
Rhino 58
XA, Smoke
Crusader squad. 5 + 1 111
LC, Flamer
Razorback 98
tl LC, XA, Smoke
Land Speeder 75
Land Speeder 75
+++ 1500 +++
This is my latest list.
I played Tau in 1500 pt annihilation. I tabled him ;) To be fare he didn't have a Mech list and being able to avoid the worst of his shooting with my smoking Rhinos, it was inevitable.
*One thing that I did incorrectly (and if I'd followed my philosophy of ruling against my self when in doubt, I'd have not ruled against myself) was I tried to move the Rhinos in difficult terrain. I rolled a one, twice I think, and got my Rhino stuck. Because the Rhinos hadn't moved, according to the disembarkation example, I got my guys out, difficult terrain moved and then assaulted, twice. That would have given him another round to shoot me. I think that would not have changed anything and I would have tabled him anyway, but one never really knows....
Saturday, January 2, 2010
GAME 8 in the Garage ~ 1st with my new Rhino & Drop pod list.
1500 pts. Annihilation and Pitched Battle. versus brother Fs Orks.
I lost. I conceded at the end of Turn 5. It was quite apparent.
He deployed all across the battlefield. Cleverly, I deployed in a neat huddle on my RHS.
I didn't have a plan, and was concerned with executing the Rhinos and Drop Pods rules and uses properly. Just one of those things :)
I did a few things wrong but what lost me the game was the dice, consistently low rolling. Just one of those things that crops up every now and then.
High points;
Ven Dread DP and heavy flamed and MM 14 Eavy boyz dead. 104 points.
Then that mob and the Warboss charged him.
He insta-killed the Warboss. 115 pts.
Low points;
Zagstruck, he is horrible. I'll have to shield the 3-las-Pred next time.
Poxy dice rolling with my 4 LCs meant his (6 initially) Killa Kanz got into cc. Once that happens, the 1 BT PF attack was always going to struggle. Don't worry, my PFs rolled poorly for penetration and then again for damage.
Losing the Vindicator to KKs in cc.
Marshal's Crusaders getting locked into cc with the KKs. Had I dodged that, the Lootas were the Marshal's and his Crusaders would have freed up the Ven Dread.
Driving at 30ish boyz with 10 Crusaders - what was that going to do?
The Marshal's Crusaders and the Ven Dread drop podding, showed good promise.
I need to protect the 3-las-Pred. If I didn't drive that 1 squad against the 30ish boyz, I think that would have saved it. They didn't achieve anything, anyway.
I am transitioning to try a mech army. Everyone says it is the way to go. The new Nids will, supposedly make Foot impossible.
Overall, a good game from an educational point of view.
I am so used to going full tilt, I never had it in my mind to do anything else.
Strangely enough, I found it stressful using the DP and Rhinos - I didn't want to blow it and got a bit of an adrenaline rush.
Better tactics and luck next time ;)
I lost. I conceded at the end of Turn 5. It was quite apparent.
He deployed all across the battlefield. Cleverly, I deployed in a neat huddle on my RHS.
I didn't have a plan, and was concerned with executing the Rhinos and Drop Pods rules and uses properly. Just one of those things :)
I did a few things wrong but what lost me the game was the dice, consistently low rolling. Just one of those things that crops up every now and then.
High points;
Ven Dread DP and heavy flamed and MM 14 Eavy boyz dead. 104 points.
Then that mob and the Warboss charged him.
He insta-killed the Warboss. 115 pts.
Low points;
Zagstruck, he is horrible. I'll have to shield the 3-las-Pred next time.
Poxy dice rolling with my 4 LCs meant his (6 initially) Killa Kanz got into cc. Once that happens, the 1 BT PF attack was always going to struggle. Don't worry, my PFs rolled poorly for penetration and then again for damage.
Losing the Vindicator to KKs in cc.
Marshal's Crusaders getting locked into cc with the KKs. Had I dodged that, the Lootas were the Marshal's and his Crusaders would have freed up the Ven Dread.
Driving at 30ish boyz with 10 Crusaders - what was that going to do?
The Marshal's Crusaders and the Ven Dread drop podding, showed good promise.
I need to protect the 3-las-Pred. If I didn't drive that 1 squad against the 30ish boyz, I think that would have saved it. They didn't achieve anything, anyway.
I am transitioning to try a mech army. Everyone says it is the way to go. The new Nids will, supposedly make Foot impossible.
Overall, a good game from an educational point of view.
I am so used to going full tilt, I never had it in my mind to do anything else.
Strangely enough, I found it stressful using the DP and Rhinos - I didn't want to blow it and got a bit of an adrenaline rush.
Better tactics and luck next time ;)
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